Before independence, betting was done on the prices of cotton coming from the New York Cotton Exchange. In such a situation, now if we talk about the history of Satta Matka, then even before the independence of India, the game of Satta Matka is being played. The government has made many efforts to stop it, but this game has spread so much that the government is unable to get this game closed even if it wants. Many people consider satta matka to be a new game, but such satta matka is being played in India for years.

So this is how the game of Satta Matka works. In this way, the people who get their money increase manifold. The people whose number turns out to be correct are also given the money of the losers. In such a situation, now the number of some turns out to be correct, then the number of many people is wrong. But if no one knows this number, then people make predictions on these numbers and invest money on any one number according to their predictions.

No one knows this number because sometimes it is based on the price of cotton and sometimes on something else. If the method of working of Satta Matka is understood in detail in simple language, then there are many types of Satta games, in those games a number is drawn randomly.

The loser's money goes to as many people as possible, and in this way, those who have invested their money get many times more. Like any game of judging, in this game too one side wins and one side loses. Actually it is very easy to understand the way Satta Matka works. If you are going to play Satta Matka or are getting information about it, then you should also know how Satta Matka works. Before participating in any kind of gambling game, it should be known that after all how that game works because not doing so has to bear heavy losses later.