Schabbs and his army of mutant prototypes before they are released into the battlefields.

is given the instructions to Operation: Eisenfaust, where he has to stop Dr. After returning to Allied territory, B.J. searching for an escape from Wolfenstein, guarded by Hans Grosse. Throughout the next nine levels, the player guides B.J.
is captured, but overpowers a guard with the help of a concealed knife and manages to get out of his cell. In the first episode (Escape from Wolfenstein), B.J. There are six episodes: the first distributed completely as shareware the second and the third available after registration and the three final missions (which happen before the events of the first episode) available in the Nocturnal Missions pack. The game puts the player in the boots of B.J. Only new additions include: new bosses, a new type of enemy, and a new pickup (a large box of ammo).Wolfenstein 3D is an episodic first-person shooter and a follow-up to the top-down infiltration game Castle Wolfenstein. The enemies and weapons are pretty much the same as in Wolfenstein 3-D. It is a first-person shooter that uses the same engine and has the same gameplay, however the game is not divided into 6 separate episodes - all the levels are one long episode. Spear of Destiny is a prequel to Wolfenstein 3-D. The loss of his most coveted weapon could push him over the edge. Your mission is to infiltrate the heavily guarded Nazi stronghold and recapture the Spear from an already unbalanced Hitler.

Hitler believes himself to be invincible with the power of the Spear as his brutal army sweeps across Europe. According to legend, no man can be defeated when he has the Spear. In the midst of the German Blitzkrieg, the Spear that pierced the side of Christ is taken from Versailles by the Nazis and secured in the impregnable Castle Wolfenstein. Blazkowicz, the Allies' most valuable agent.